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What is EGL?

Top-notch training for nurses who wish to
practice in the UK

Educare Global Limited is a private OSCE training provider in the UK for nurses trained outside the UK to become registered nurses in the UK. EGL provides excellent training with highly qualified trainers that enable nurses to practice according to the NMC standards.

At EGL, we provide intensive training for 5 days a week. It will be either five days in a row or staggered, depending on the availability. Staggered sessions give the students an opportunity to self-practice at their own convenience until the next session.

EGL offers a great opportunity for students to perform all the skills and scenarios that are necessary for the OSCE. They will be assessed on a regular basis and given constructive, one-on-one feedback. We have face-to-face sessions with the students that enable the trainer to identify their learning needs and help them boost their confidence.


We help good students,
acheive great results.

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